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“This life no balance” – Peruzzi reacts to news of Davido purchasing a Jet worth $70M (VIDEO)


Peruzzi has reacted with a video to the news of popular Nigerian singer Davido purchasing a jet.

The artiste was captured in the clip speaking about how he had no idea that Davido was purchasing a brand new jet.

Earlier today, news of Afrobeat singer, Davido purchasing a Bombardier jet has been circulating on all social media platforms.

The singer also confirmed the information via a tweet on his page, on the microblogging platform X, which said; “BOMBARDIER 7500 TEAR RUBBER!”


Speaking in the video, Peruzzi revealed that he had Davido were together the night before he purchased the jet but he had no idea.

In another part of the clip, he said;

“This life is not balance and I will tell you why. I was with my guy last night, we were chilling together, he was even smoking my blunt with me and smoked it more than me, I woke up today to the news of him buying a jet.[sic]”

Below are some of the comments,

@Grammyboii:  Even Davido didn’t know his dad was going to get the jet, make he no vex

@blessed.kontrolla.dc:  Them say Davido talks too much Abi, but Peru no know say em go buy jet, so I want make una tell me how Davido Dey talk too much later, cause how come Peru no know say em wan buy jet ??

@_small_madam:  Na the smoke wey una dey smoke together wan dey make una resemble????

@horladeylay_ooni:  His own, his father’s own, his family’s own …… as far as Adeleke dey the receipt that one na una papa business

Watch the video below,