Home Lifestyle & Relationships What is micro-cheating? 10 signs your partner is micro-cheating on social media...

What is micro-cheating? 10 signs your partner is micro-cheating on social media – Olamond Naija

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What is micro-cheating? 10 signs your partner is micro-cheating on social media . Don’t just read, observe! 

There is a new term in dating and relationships called micro-cheating, but what is it?

Psychology Today defines micro-cheating as “small breaches of trust in a relationship that don’t cross the threshold into a physical affair.”

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What is micro-cheating? 10 signs your partner is micro-cheating on social media – Olamond Naija

Micro-cheating is defined by Vogue as “behaviours that lead someone to question their partner’s emotional or physical commitment to the relationship.” In essence, it feels like a betrayal, although it’s not technically cheating.
Examples of micro-cheating
* Chatting romantically with another person and deleting the messages.
* Hiding chats with an ex-partner online.
* Stalking, liking, and commenting on pictures and stories of the opposite sex.
* Joining a dating website.
* Being touchy and feely with a coworker and always eating lunch with one person.
* Trying to impress someone by buying them gifts and sending them money.
* Keeping a Snapchat streak with someone, talking about sex and sending suggestive pictures to them.
* Making complaints and negative comments about your partner to others.
* Being in constant communication and flirting with an ex without the knowledge of your partner.
* A married person acts single online and leaves their wedding ring at home while going out.

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What is micro-cheating? 10 signs your partner is micro-cheating on social media – Olamond Naija

* Most people spend their time on the internet and social media apps, constantly interacting with people. There has to be a thin line between suspicion and obsessively trying to control what your partner does online. While it’s important for partners to text each other, before you do anything online, ask yourself, “This might be harmless, but can I do this in front of my partner? Would they approve?”
Finally, micro-cheating can eventually lead to a physical relationship with people other than your partner.


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